Sunday, December 18, 2011

Legacy Letter from Elders

Below is the letter that the BVCC Elders mailed to the congregation on May 18, 2008 regarding the proposed building renovation and expansion project.  Pastor Ron referred to this on Sun. Dec. 4, 2011 while giving an update on the Legacy building project.


The Church Board voted last Monday night to call a Special Congregational Meeting on July 13, 2008 to approve or disapprove a building program for our congregation.

One question that always comes up is:  Why do we need to enlarge and improve our current facility?  Some of the reasons are as follows:

1.    We have some significant space constraints.  We are running out of space for both children and adult programs.  (Look downstairs on Sunday Mornings and throughout the building on Wednesday Nights.)
2.    Opportunities for growth are all around us.  The population of Bella Vista has grown significantly in the last few years and will probably continue to grow.  There are a lot of people in Bella Vista that need to make Christ as significant part of their life.
3.    We have some safety concerns.  We need overhead fire sprinklers through out the building and additional fire exits.

A second question is: Why now, the national economy is not very strong?

Additional space is needed now!  God through the ages has told a number of people (and groups of people) to do all kinds of things.  I can’t remember any time when God said, “Wait until you feel comfortable before you start.”  We need to remember that this is God’s Church and He will provide the funds needed to advance His Kingdom.
A third question is:  What has changed since we voted last year”

1.    We will build from the same plans that we presented last year, but we have lowered our anticipated cost from around $2,900,000 to around $1,900,000.
2.    We will not make any significant changes in the sanctuary, i.e. the pews stay.  
3.    We will decrease the added space slightly but we will still add approximately 6,500 square feet of space.
4.    We do not anticipate moving out of the building during construction.
5.    The Narthex (Foyer) will be made much more attractive and useful but it will not be changed as much as planned last year.
6.    We will add overhead fire sprinklers to all parts of the building.  We will also add some additional fire exits.
7.    etc.

A fourth question is: When do we plan to start construction?

          We anticipate starting construction after our
Capital Stewardship Drive
is finished.  The Capital Stewardship Drive will start after the vote and end around Thanksgiving.
Jerry Lamb, (Chairman of the Elders for BVCC)

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