
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

 A Heartfelt Thanks to Our Church Family:

Your prayers and support for Jim and & I for the Cambodia mission trip was more than appreciated. The Lord used us all in His work and we are richer for it. We are truly blessed and we love the church.  Thank you for your support.

Jim & Shirley Long

Dear Missions Ministry & Church Family,  
I wanted to write to you to say thank you so very much for supporting me in my journey to Cambodia to visit the RAPHA HOUSE girls, staff, and facilities.  I am glad that I went for the 2 week eye-opening and heartbreaking experience.  I thought of you and how you made it possible for me to go, see, and serve every day.  I needed your support to make this step of obedience. 

This ministry of RAPHA HOSUE (www.raphahouse.org) is one that everyone must know about!  I am thankful to be someone that can now help give a voice to these broken and abused girls.  Without a ministry like RAPHA HOUSE, they would be living lives of hopelessness and despair as the children that have yet to be rescued still are.  Please pray for an end to this modern day form of slavery that is happening worldwide. 
I hope you all have been following my journey on my blog.  There I chronicled everything from preparing for the trip to daily journals while I was there.  So, you can still log on and get some insight into the trip and what we did if you haven’t already!  www.totallytarah.blogspot.com.
The biggest thing I want to share with you is what your support was used for in this mission you so graciously supported!  With your dollars, I was able to…………
·        Help purchase bedding, storage, and supplies for the FREEDOM CENTER in Phnom Penh. Your dollar goes a long way here and can cover a lot of needs!

·        Give money to the RAPHA bride and her new husband to help start their life together. She gets to be pure once again thanks to her healing in God. AMEN? The wedding was so touching

·        Give $150 towards one of the rescued girls medical needs. Her eyes were damaged while in slavery, and she needs surgery. She loves to sing and has the most beautiful voice.

·        Give to the Kid’s Club prevention program which provides needs for the street kids in a slum area of the capital city Phnom Penh.

·        Give to the CHURCH at RAPHA HOUSE in Battambang that is open to the community there.

·        Purchase things that the RAPHA girls made such as purses and jewelry. Each girl gets paid some money for each item that she makes and sales which teaches her empowerment, confidence, and opens the door to learn money management. The rest goes to support the SAFE HOUSE.

·        I am most thankful for the opportunity I was given to go. I needed to be there. I am honored to be a voice for these girls. I will forever be amazed by seeing RAPHA HOUSE in action as they fight for these girls every step of the way. The girls have lived a nightmare and deserve a chance to know the one true healer , redeemer, and friend. They need to know there is hope in this dark world. I hope that you all will feel compelled to research and support this cause in any way that you can. Let me know if you need more information about anything!!!  For me, meeting these girls solidifies how worth it they all are.
   I love you all and thank you for your involvement!   
Tara Burghart 

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