
Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Hey Church

I’m really excited about "The Story". This is going to be such a neat deal.  Think about it, we are getting the big picture of the Bible…God’s seamless story unfolding for us over the next 31 weeks.  Let me give you some ideas on how you can get the most out of what we’re doing. 

The Story is designed for you to read God’s Word simply as a book.  As I’ve said, it’s not the THE BIBLE, but it is the Bible in story format. 

You can easily read along with us a chapter a week. (about 12 pages)  If you are not a reader, we have access to the audio version.  You may purchase that at a discount for $30 through our office.  That would be a great resource for listening in your car, while you exercise, or for the kids to listen to when they go to bed at night.  It is very well done.

Because we’re creating our Wednesday night Children’s Ministry around THE STORY, you and your kids will be able to read and discuss together each week what’s in the chapter.  Mealtimes or those little talks at bedtimes are great opportunities to reinforce THE STORY.  By showing your children that this matters to you, it will make a deep impression on your heart and may in the long run create a much more open family culture when discussing things about God.

Doing this journey through THE STORY with the group will offer opportunities for great discussion and group insight.  Group dynamic is such an important resource in life transformation.  Psychology has known this for years, but really it’s as old as the Book of Acts.  We are committed to offer as many life groups as we need to serve people during this journey.  Again, Sunday we’ll have Life Group sign ups, but I want you to know that if those groups are full we will open new ones.  We want every worshipper at BVCC to be personally connected with others in order to grow.

Each weekend I will be giving a talk based on our reading.  Some will be more overview and some will pick out a particular detail.  Being here on Sundays is the first step in getting and learning the story of God.  If for some reason you are not able to make it, each of my talks are downloaded to the website.  You can simply click on sermon archives to listen or download. 

We know that Life Groups don’t work for everyone.  So, beginning next Wednesday night, I’ll be leading  table discussions of THE STORY in our Atrium.  This will be an opportunity for people to experience a small group without necessarily jumping in.  It will also be a place for new people who begin attending BVCC over the next 31 weeks to get in a group mid-stream.  I’m really excited about this Wednesday night opportunity and believe that as the group grows there will be new small groups birthed out of our Wednesday night together.

If you really want to learn THE STORY… teach it to kids. Kids absorb information like little sponges.  As you prepare to teach them you will learn much more yourself and they will grasp a foundation of the Bible that they will have for their entire life.  Even though we are a larger church these days we still never have enough people to support our KidTown Ministries. 

Everyone one of us knows someone who probably doesn’t understand the story of God in the Bible.  Even if they have gone to church their entire life they may be biblically illiterate. Tell them what we are doing -  that we are going to go through the whole Bible in 31 weeks  -  that you would like to have them come and be a part of our journey.  Make it easy for them by offering to sit with them so they won’t feel uncomfortable and alone.  You might even give them your copy of THE STORY so they can begin reading it. I imagine if you’d ask the Lord who you should speak to, He will guide your steps across the room.

The fact is we are all participants in God’s story, whether we know it or not.  Ultimately that’s the goal of what we are doing,  helping people see how they fit into the grand scheme of God’s plan and become complete in Christ.  I can’t wait to see you Sunday morning,



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