Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Welcome to the Staff Ministry Team, Amy!

We are happy to welcome Amy Talbert to the BVCC staff as the Director of Celebration Arts.  Amy and her husband Tony, and daughter, Leighann, have been attending BVCC since September and recently shared their decision to join the  church family.

     Amy is a graduate of Ouachita Baptist University with a Bachelor Degree in Church Music with emphasis in piano, voice and Christian counseling. She has been assistant music director/accompanist at First Baptist in Camden, AR; directed children’s & youth music, and choir accompanist at United Lutheran in Bella Vista; and was Minister of Worship Arts at Peace Lutheran Church in Rogers. 

     Amy’s life goals and aspirations are to use her God-given gifts she has been blessed with to glorify, exalt, and honor Christ.  She feels blessed to have the opportunity to lead worship through piano and vocals. Amy also has a passion to teach others to use their gifts to expand their musical horizons through many different avenues.

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