Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Missions Ministry Highlights

It was a pleasure to have two of our missions represented last week. 

     Thursday evening David Lall from Harvest International, Damoh, India, visted the missions team duirng their regular meeting on May 12. This mission produces video tapes in the culture, for the culture, that will be shown over 39 different networks to reach the potential of 75 million people.  These include: Christian messages and songs in different languages of India; high quality, highly professional Bible films and Christian teachings which can be identified by the common people as well as the elite society of India; short-term training courses in Christian mass media. 
     One exciting aspect of the video work produced in Damoh is it use in many home churches, which are common places of worship in that region of the world.  Audio and video productions for children and teenagers, teaching series taped at local Bible college, and dramas that tell the life of Christ through His many parables are only a few of the projects produced in Damoh for the purpose of reaching people in all of India with good news of Christ.  David's wife, Sheela, is aso involved with the handicapped children of the area in a ministry called "Oasis of Love."

    Sunday we were happy to have Stephanie Freed, from Rapha House bring the Missions Moment and tell us more about their work for the Lord.  Rapha House began in 2003 and is based in Joplin, MO. It is an extension of  A.R.M. (American Rehabilitation Ministries) 
    The RH programs exist to extend unconditional love to girls who have been rescued out of slavery and sexual exploitation. Every member of the Rapha House staff has dedicated his or herself to seeing each child at RH restored to sustainable freedom. In order to achieve this, staff members work constantly to provide an environment of physical rescue from abuse and neglect for girls who have known severe exploitation.
      All the programs at Rapha House have the goal of creating an environment of transformational healing so that every child has the chance to have a healthy future. They do this by providing safehouses and aftercare programs for the rescued girls.  All Rapha House homes are currently located in Southeast Asia, with the goal of expanding globally.      
     Pam Carter made a mission trip to Cambodia in 2008.  BVCC will again partner with Rapha House and is planning a mission trip there in October.

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