Saturday, May 21, 2011

College Graduates

 We congratulate those from our church family that graduated from college in May.

Geneva Scott graduated from NWACC with an Associates of Science (non-specific) Degree.  Her future plans are to continue her schooling to become a diagnostic medical sonographer.  Geneva, and husband, Brent, have 5 children: Leana, Elisha, Elizabeth, Isabella and Ava (pictured).  

Nicki Dallison McNelly received her degree in Agriculture Education from the University of Arkanasas.  She student taught in Pea Ridge (high school) and is actively seeking a teaching job. This photo was taken in Hot Springs where she competed in a Farm Bureau state wide speaking competition, she place in the top four. As of now she is barrel racing and playing with her ponies! She and husband, Brad  have 15 acres in Decatur. She is the daughter of Nancy & Noble Dallison and granddaughter of Jackie Carter.

Carly Edwards graduated Cum Laude from the U of A with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art and Art Education with an emphasis in Painting and Sculpture.  She is a Member of Kappa Delta Sorority, was a board member for Colleges Against Cancer, and the recipient of the Who's Who award, Rising Junior of the Year Scholarship for the Art Department, and took part in several student shows in the Arkansas Fine Arts Gallery. Carly plans on student teaching in the fall to receive teaching degree for Art Education in the state of Arkansas, then will attend graduate school for Master of Fine Arts in Fall of 2012- applying in December to schools in Northeast, Austin, and San Fransisco. She is the daughter of Doug Edwards and granddaughter of Wanda Edwards.

Rachel Young graduated from Harding University. She is the daughter of Terry & Lisa Young.

Ozark Christian College grads with BVCC connections....

Congratulations, James Mwirigi, pastor at Gospel Revival Center Church in Kenya, Africa.  David Conrad led the team in December with the "Feed 500 Families" project.

 Way to go, Cassa Maxwell.  (pictured above with mom and day, Robert and Patti Maxwell.)  Robert was the Associate and Youth Pastor at BVCC for 17 years.

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